Start working now with your high school/career guidance counselor in
planning for college and careers!

Thinking about college, career, technical, trade school or graduate school? We have a unique opportunity for you to visit four different types of schools for continuing education.  Your visit will include information which will be transferable regardless of what school you plan to attend.  Sorry - this trip has been CANCELLED - College Campus visit from the Iron Range area - we look forward to offering another trip from your area again soon!

There’s so much to consider when it comes to getting ready for college: where to go, what to study, how to apply, how to pay for it all, and more. 

It’s never too early—or too late—to explore your options for college or career school. Consider a trip "ToDuluth" to check out the four beautiful college campuses located in the Greater Twin Ports Area and the educational options they may offer you.

We will arrange for admissions personnel to speak to you when you make your brief visit to one of our campuses.  Check in often to see when we have campus visits scheduled.

Introductory visits to the University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD), St. Scholastica (CSS), Lake Superior College (LSC) and the University of Wisconsin-Superior (UWS) will provide an overview of higher education available in the Twin Ports/Duluth area. 

*Students under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian or present a valid, completed and signed permission slip before boarding our bus - A parental permission form is available at the bottom of this page.

Download, complete, sign and present Parental Consent Form to your Guidance Counselor or Bus Manager upon boarding our coach bus - unsigned forms will not be honored and student will be turned away and no refund will be issued. 

When you register for a ToDuluth Campus Visit, you agree to abide by the “ToDuluth College Visit Traveler Expectations" also listed at the bottom of this page.

Parental Consent Form

ToDuluth Campus Visit Participant Rules & Expectations